Saturday, August 31, 2019

Professional Associations Membership Essay

As individual members of ANNA and together as an organization, we intend to act consistently with our core beliefs that: Nephrology nurses have an opportunity and responsibility to enhance the quality of care delivered to people with kidney disease. ANNA as an organization has the responsibility to provide sound educational programs necessary to develop, maintain, and augment competence in practice, ANNA must support research to develop evidence- based practice, as well as to advance nursing science We benefit as an organization and as individuals when we embrace and nurture diversity in all of its dimensions. Registration fee is $75.00/annual membership (full member rn) Contact anna American nephrology nurses’ association East holly ave., box 56 Pitman, NJ 08071 888-600-2662 Join us for the 45th Anna National symposium in Orlando, Florida April 19-22 2015 Passionate Leadership: Soaring to New Heights will be presented by Donna Cardillo, MA, BS, RN,. Today’s nursing leaders are challenged like never before, and are also in a unique position to have greater impact on the future of nursing and of health care. This session will show you how to get primed, pumped-up, and supercharged for the coming decade in kidney disease. Workshops and conferences given by guest speakers; new evidence practice new studies that help patients live with kidney disease. References: American Nephrology Nurses Association

Friday, August 30, 2019

Movies Realism Literature Review

INTRODUCTION Cinemas are the central spot of people’s visual entertainment, acting as the medium between the art of movie directors and the audiences seeking the getaway from real world reality. It is at the cinema where people enjoy themselves by watching movies that they may find interesting initially regardless of the language, locality or storyline, as long as that one particular movie is intriguing enough to make them go to the cinema to get their movie-o-meter filled with appealing crafts from many directors. The cinemas as they are today are far significantly different from what they used to be decades ago, as this highly profiting business has been going on since the 1850’s, particularly originated in England to be the first in public screening, although the first use of movie projection is unknown. However, putting aside the revolutionary cinema technology, one good movie is mostly contributed by the production team dedication and hard works. It should not matter if a movie is less use in impressive CGI since a ‘plain’ movie but with proper cast and content, it could match with a movie rich in the technology. This kind of good content or storyline is another factor that has been influencing both the production to create such movie which is poor in fake yet astounding visual appearance but to pursue more on the content largely. It has also been observed that a good movie needs good script or dialogue other than the casts, for instance _V for Vendetta_ (2005), it did have a few scenes in CGI but the real strength behind the success of this movie was the dialogue, its great casts and the political theme. The mentality of the locals towards Malaysian made movies has always been criticized by Malaysians ourselves; however the irony is despite the constant claim of Malaysians that they could tolerate Malaysian movies, this phenomenon still exists, where people especially the research subject, Malaysian audiences, stand on this issue of the reasons they ditch local most local movies as unrealistic in contrast to its crux of escaping reality. Often in newspapers and mass media people could be seen writing to editors on how disappointed they were in local movies direction but praised the realism aspect on foreign movies, especially of Hollywood. The reason movies or any other forms of visual entertainment were created was to add some unrealistic factor based on the ‘reality’ of the world outside the movie, since the movie production cannot make money if they just simply show what the audiences have gone through every day in their lives, nothing of new and fresh that could catch the attention of the audiences. This research is anticipated to know why such paradox exists among the local viewers particularly, or something about the mentality of Malaysian audiences. When this peculiarity is triggered, there are parties affected definitely. The obvious impact would be on production companies, with very narrow focus on local market itself, these production companies would not be able to sustain longer given that this ‘sentiment’ goes on. It is obvious enough since when there is lack of support and interest, plus the unfair discernment by the Malaysians, the companies have no other way than to close down production, or face far worse condition of bankruptcy. It is not just the companies that would have to shut down, but indirectly the actors and actresses would have to start over something new to accommodate their lives, the fortunate enough to have backup form of income could still survive, but the bigger impact is the industry will be crumbled, as the industry has never been given a chance to prove that Malaysian movies could evolve and change the mindset of Malaysians in the first place. Secondly, local TV companies would also face difficulties and humongous expense to procure foreign TV contents more to cater the hankering of viewers, as well as to fill in the absence or the sheer lack of local movie content. The negativity cycle continues to Malaysian government policy of foreign content, with this much impact slowly influencing the mindset of people, government will require thorough amendment of its policy to curb the foreign content while preserving the local one, as although this phenomenon is still not chronic, however it is best to fear and prepare for the worst. Although the process of obtaining past researches on similar phenomenon yields nothing, hence this research is believed to be pioneer in digging deeper into this peculiarity. However, it is mostly understood that some variables, or the causing factors are such like age, education, place of living, influence of significant others, different subcultures, and as well as level of exposure to foreign movies and online reviews. Initial observation (pre research) shows that people living in cities are more susceptible to this phenomenon, most possibly due to the flooding of foreign movies that are relatively better than local movies in general, may be reinforced by the pressure of others into forming a typical mentality. The Phenomenon Exactly like previously mentioned, the peculiarity that triggered the research in the first place was what causes the incongruity of denying local movies as realistic while at the same time concurring how realistic foreign movies are on the same basis that movies are not supposed to be real. There is no problem with the ticket sales or revenues of local movies, since local movies do receive high gross profit in local market, for instance Cicakman,, a hero-fantasy movie scored RM6. 7 million while still in the same movie theme, Spiderman scored USD 2. 1 million in Malaysian market, of course it is not fair to compare the fan base but this proved that there is no problem with the behavior of Malaysian viewers, but the perception of the people. In simpler meaning, they do watch local movies but constantly undervalue every factor available in regards to foreign movies, and this research is meant to discover the plausible sources. Depende*nt Variable In determining what dependent variables of this research are going to be, firstly it is important to identify what kind of approach the research is going to be conducted, and since the topic is planning to digging up the mind or stigma of people, hence perception approach is the correct channel to analyze the Malaysians mentality on whether they find local movies are not realistic compared to foreign movies. Therefore it is obvious that the perception or mindset of the local Malaysians is the subject issue, which is ultimately the dependent variables that would be affected at the end of the cycle of factors. A perception is the result of many surrounding elements or influencing factors, whereby it is like a blank canvas ready to be painted with the colors of perceived reality affecting the mindset. Hence, it is ironic that for a movie watcher to have biased insight against the local movies escaping reality nature, but what is wryer than that is through initial observation of this phenomenon; some people do not have this stigma and because of that it further strengthens our decision of making the perception of audience as the dependent variable where it will see changes when any independent variable is put as a trigger or cause. The perception of audience is also identified to be the dependent variable due to the fact that they live in Malaysia, which are supposedly giving them the familiarity of the culture that is incorporated into the local movies, and since it is a psychology phenomenon we cannot directly measure one’s mind but we can measure up the extent or the spread of this particular perception of movie audience. With all the rationale it is then decidedly that we are going to use the perception of audience as the dependent variable that changes accordingly to the identified independent variables to get us closer to the ‘reality’ of the research topic. Independent Variables As mentioned earlier, there are forces that act behind the shadow of the dependent variable which was the perception of unrealistic local movies among audience. There is not only one but many credible elements that manipulate the outcome in various ways when these independent variables are put in motion to exploit the results in diversified changes. The factors below are notified to be of the most significant variables that could show momentous variety outcome on the dependent variable. ?Flooding of Foreign Movies Undeniably the ratio of foreign movies in Malaysia has significantly overshadowed the locally made movies. There is no restriction only to Hollywood movies, but lately many more movies from all over the world such as Middle Eastern, Bollywood, European, Hong Kong and Japan gets the attention of movie distributors in dispersing the foreign movies here in Malaysia. Judging from the overall movie titles per month basis, locally made movies, be it Malay, Tamil or Chinese movies are still on the minority scale compared to the available foreign titles which make up most of the showing list. With this much flooding of foreign movies that does not halt its presence here in Malaysia throughout the whole year, Malaysians are served with these foreign movies especially of Hollywood (being the most popular), therefore it is definitely a crucial factor to count in the ‘excess’ of the foreign movies may contribute to the perception of Malaysians that local movies are nowhere as realistic to foreign movies. ?Influence of Friends There is no single person on earth can stand loneliness hence the very reason why they need company. Friends do indeed play the most significant role of shaping the not only attitude but also the large percentage of perception pattern. Studies show that the influence of friends often surpassed the influence expressed by family members particularly during the age of adolescent; afterwards it would be a mixture of many factors. People also shares more secrets with their friends, so in this case people will be frequently affected by their friends’ mindsets to envision and share common view on a particular movie, as the one that people go and watch movies together are with friends. It is important to keep one’s insight perhaps on any significant issue in line; therefore resulting in strong and impenetrable wall of perception on whatever issue that they agree on, and it could be unintentionally in the beginning but the effect of the ‘friendship’ especially brotherhood-like bond will be concreting their perception on local movies realism. ?Pre-nurtured Stigma of Superior Others As citizens of a country that has gone through many colonial rules since half a millennium ago starting with Portuguese in Malacca in 1511, Malaysians (Malayans before independence) had always been conquered both physically and internally. These conquerors proved that they were not only superior in military and firepower technology, but also they left the impression that we the natives of our land could never stand on par with them in everything including culture, deeply tainted within our ancestors’ perception. Unfortunately this stigma has been ancestrally passed down from one generation to another and even now some Malaysians do still consider the grass of the other side to be greener. Although it sounds general but this perception is strong enough to be identified as one of the factors that could cause dissimilarities in the dependent variable as they watch and analyze a movie through a programmed way of thinking although it is full of preconception. ?Technology Used in Movies Realistic is commonly defined as â€Å"aware or expressing awareness of things as they really are†, and if we are to follow this version of realistic then the technological aspect in a movie plays extremely important role to influence the perception of viewers. The technology of CGI and lately the assimilationof three dimensional perspectives have caught the wows and awes of audience. The main point in taking the technological aspect of movies is since foreign movies magically make something that was not there to appear, in other word, fake but are considered as realistic, then do the ‘low’ technological local movies that do not go through this process of faking things out awkwardly being regarded as unrealistic? As weird as it may sound, this is what makes the technology used in movies as an altering factor that could shift the mentality of viewers that local movies are not realistic out of the stable axis. The burden of a movie success is not just lying on the shoulders of the actor and actresses alone but a movie is the child of a director therefore it is the responsibility of a director to make sure the overall quality of the movie is intact. A movie direction is the result shown by the combined talent, skills and hard works of the production team including the casts, crews and producers. Bad leadership and directing by a director will ultimately summon dissatisfaction from the viewers and critics, for example. With this principle it is not surprising that it gets to be one of the factors that influence our dependent variable. Research Objective Who is not attracted to the animating pictures projected on a huge, wide silver screen and watch our imagination gets flashed on the screen? The world nowadays has changed drastically that entertainment is not only limited to the words written on paper, also not the television series nor movies, but it has expanded close to once before science fiction. Entertainment can be defined as a diverting activity that holds the attention of the people. Entertainment by itself holds wide definition so it is wise to peg down to a smaller scale of business aspect, since movies or films is a shell containing motion pictures to be viewed purely as a medium of art in the bigger entertainment industry. Mankind has studied many things that are intriguing enough to them, either just for entertainment or educational purpose, and throughout the times academicians have regarded movie industry as a legit study field that provides the opportunity to examine the elements of movies or films. The ever expanding cinema or Cineplex has turned motion pictures as one of the most profitable entertainment industry especially in Hollywood, which is the pioneer in almost any new film technology. Digital format has taken the place of analogue film technology and the changes can be immediately seen, hardly nowadays a cinema used roll-film and viewers had to experience the visual scratch anymore since cinema projectors had switched to a digital video projection as well as cleverly stimulated surround sound. Every moment passes the scenes of movie industry is changing, one second next will be different than one second before, as the entertainment industry especially in the movies form will keep on evolving to cater people needs. Research Questions _Is the flooding of foreign movies causing a person to have biased perception on local movies? _ Through this question we could get a more in-depth idea on the relationship between the foreign movies invasion on Malaysian shores and its impact on the perception of Malaysians. This question is remarkable since there are people who think of local movies are more realistic than foreign movies, despite the fact that Malaysian cinemas are constantly showing foreign titles more than local movies. It is important to relate the over exposure of foreign movies inclusive of the reviews and other promotional attempts with the impact on the viewers so we could assess the depth or extent of these two variables. Does influence of friends affect the mindset of Malaysians to underestimate realism of local movies? Friendship ‘forces’ a person in that circle to behave, think and perceive things on the same line with very minimal deviation. It is no wonder what friend factor could influence one’s perception, and this is why it is beneficial to know how far do friends play their parts to mold each other by ‘imposing’ a general idea that is to be shared by the circle, or in the process there is a possibility that the impact is backed up by other hidden factors, unseen until they strike. We will be able to find out whether the question will bring us closer to yes or no by analyzing the answers from the samples during the research. Does the stigma of ‘superior others’ instilled prematurely impose biased perception on local movies? As mentioned previously under independent variables, it is widely known that even though through words Malaysians may deny that they do not think outsiders are always ahead of us, but their behaviors may tell otherwise and perhaps describe the true perception. Therefore, we would measure how far this one particular stigma is affecting the phenomenon we are trying to study. The caustic remark is too great to be cast aside since realistic factor in local movies can never be as close as o those of foreign movies according to the phenomenon, but by obtruding our definition of the nature of movie which is as an escape to real world, is not it supposed to be otherwise? Is the perception of realistic factor of local movies shaped by the technology used in movies? The evolution in cinema technology has always started outside of Malaysia, thus one of the reasons why there is not m uch newer technology used in local movies. However, is there any basis in theorizing a movie is not realistic when it does not use sophisticated technology? If there is, will it be affecting whether people like the movie or otherwise? This question should be tackled since most viewers; in particular the Malaysian viewers do not have the ability to analyze movies from education and artistic aspect, but often lay opinion based on what they see with naked eyes, which should conform its nature of entertainment. Does director’s proficiency have any impact on what people think of realism factor of local movies? Just like the casts, directors do have their own fans and followers who support them in their career, and just like the actor and actresses also, the industry appreciate and recognize directors’ contribution as the most important aspect of movie success. Their skills differ thus the reputation they have been building is identified as one of the question on whether they do take tolls on people perception of local movies to be deemed as not realistic enough, satirically going against escapism core purpose of watching movies. Reference Perception. In Wikipedia. Retrieved February 22nd, 2010 from http://en. wikipedia. org/wiki/Perception Dictionary. com (2010, February 22nd). Perception – Define Perception at Dictionary. com Retrieved from http://dictionary. reference. com/browse/perception Internet. om (2010, February 26th) What is Movie Mode? Retrieved from http://www. webopedia. com/TERM/m/moviemode. html_ BoxOffice Mojo, (2010, February 26th). Species (1995). Retrieved from http://www. boxofficemojo. com/movies/? id=species. htm BoxOffice Mojo (2010, February 26th). Species II Retrieved from http://www. boxofficemojo. com/movies/? id=species2. htm BoxOffice Mojo (2010, February 28th). Spider-Man (2002) International Box Office Results Retrieved from http://www. boxofficemojo. com/movies/? page=intl&id=spiderman. tm Intro2u Blog (2010, February 28th). Cicakman 2 Retrieved from http://www. intro2u. net/new/2008/08/cicakman-2/ Syed Ali, Syed Azwan, (2010, March 3rd). Local Film Industry Moving Ahead Retrieved March 4th, 2010 from Bernama website http://www. bernama. com/bernama/v5/newsfeatures. php? id=479303 M. Varkevisser, Corlien; Pathmanathan, Indra; and Brownlee, Ann (2003). Formulation of Research Objectives, Designing and Conducting Health System Research Projects, (Module 6) Retrieved from http://www. idrc. ca/en/ev-33011-201-1-DOTOPIC. html_

Thursday, August 29, 2019

A Killer Whale Study

A Killer Whale Study Killer Whales The orca, or the killer, whale is one of the most well-known and most majestic of the sea. Belonging to the dolphin family, the killer whale is found all over the worlds oceans and has been the object of study by many animal researchers over the past few decades. Killer whales are unique mammals in the ways that they live, for example, feeding and migration, also the mother-child relationship. Apart from being such an interesting animal, they are currently endangered. When most people think of killer whales, Shamu comes to mind; the first killer whale to successfully thrive in captivity, also the iconic symbol of the SeaWorld parks. Since the killer whales early notoriety with SeaWorld, the development of better researching techniques, such as satellite tagging, have become important in understanding many aspect of the species, as well as learning how to protect them. Killer whales are usually found in pods, which are large groups that can range anywhere from ten to eighty members. Interestingly enough, each pod is a unique family consisting of blood related whales. When a calf is born into a pod, the mother cares for it closely for many calves die when they are very young from illness, accidents, or even predators such as large sharks (Carwardine, 4). If the calf survives its early years, it will remain in the pod for the rest of its life. Each pod has its own special language, or dialect in the believed and complex way of communication among other killer whales, and all members of the pod are similar in appearance, even though no two orcas look exactly alike (Carwardine, 4). Another distinguishing feature of killer whales is their Dorsal fin. Male killer whales have a huge dorsal fin that can grow up to six feet, females, however, have a much smaller and more curved dorsal fin (Carwardine, 4). In comparison to their large fins, adult orcas whale s can weigh from three to eleven tons, and male orcas grow to an average length of twenty-three to twenty-seven feet but can reach lengths of up to thirty-two feet, and female orcas average between twenty and twenty-two feet (Killer Whale, National Parks Conservation Association). Pods of killer whales have been recorded in virtually all oceans and major seas and from all open-water habitat zones (Dahlheim et al., 1981). Although they have been spotted all over, their primary habitat is in the freezing cold waters of the polar regions, for example the Arctic and Antarctic (Carwardine, 4). Another characteristic of killer whales and all other members of the cetaceansthe group of animals that consists of whales, dolphins, and porpoisesis that they only receive one set of a hundred teeth that are pointed and sharp for catching and tearing prey (Carwardine, 4). The killer whale appears to be an opportunistic feeder; diet may vary from one region to the next, among age and sex classes, and within years (Kirkevold and Lockard, 47). The unusual list of prey includes many types of fish, birds, other small cetaceans, sea lions, seals, electric rays, and outrageously even blue whales, great white sharks, as well as other killer whales (Kirkevold and Lockard, 47). Killer whales are known to work together while hunting, developing special techniques and skills for different foods that they hunt. In the Antarctic, they work together by tipping sleeping seals and penguins from ice floes into the waiting mouths of other members of the pod (Carwardine, 27). One of the most interestin g methods of hunting prey is used by killer whales off the coast of Argentina on the Punta Norte beaches, where several pods have learned how to catch young elephant seals and sea lion pups in the shallows (Carwardine, 28). The whales survey the beaches for their target and once they have found a victim easy enough for them to catch, they rush toward the beach so fast that they surge out of the water and onto the beach, leaving their prey no time to escape (Carwardine, 29). Most whales and dolphins are in serious trouble when they strand like this, but the killer whales of Punta Norte grab their prey and then wriggle back into the sea (Carwardine, 30). Other methods of finding food underwater is using Echolocation, where the whales make special clicking sounds and listen for the echoes that bounce back (Carwardine, 31). In 1997, possibly one of the most impressive and incredible accounts of an orca whales choice in food was when two whales off the coast of Californias Farallon Islands attacked and killed a great white shark. Peter Pyle, a biologist who studied the birds and sharks of the Farallon area, was the expert on hand when the strange event unfolded (Turner, Showdown at Sea). Pyle recalled seeing two whales that were later identified as belonging to an L.A. pod, attacking the shark. After about five minutes, the liver had been ripped out of the shark and was tastefully being enjoyed by the whales as the carcass of the dead shark sank (Turner, Showdown at Sea). The incident was beyond odd. No oneanywherehad ever recorded seeing a killer whale attack a great white. And then something even stranger happened: The sharks of the Farallones vanished (Turner, Showdown at Sea). Many researchers have tried to understand why the killer whales had targeted the shark as prey, and most have concluded that the behavior is pretty much unique to the L.A. pod, a cetacean gang so strange a better moniker might be the Odd Pod (Turner, Showdown at Sea). Since then, researchers have studied the relationship between killer whales and sharks and have come to find that even though humans fear the great white shark as the ultimate predator, sharks may perceive their rank differently (Turner, Showdown at Sea). Despite the many locations of killer whales, the population has been declining over the past two decades. The surprising element that is mostly to blame for the decline in whale numbers is found in their food supply. For example, schools of fish that are commonly preyed upon by orcas have been minimized due to factors, including degradation of spawning habitat, reduced ocean survival, and over-fishing (Ford et al., 97). Temporary closures of fisheries to protect the whales livelihood became an option, until it became a major problem with the declining fishing industry. Another startling discovery posing a huge threat to the killer whales was finding dangerously high levels of PCBs and other contaminants in their blubber, a high enough level to rank them as one of the worlds most polluted cetacean populations (Ford et al. 98). As top-level predators in the food web, killer whales ingest a variety of human-made industrial pollutants through their diet (Ford et al., 98). The dangerous p ollutants that pour into the sea every day from factories, farmland and towns threaten the health of the whales and shorten the life-span and leave them more susceptible to disease. Fortunately, PCBs are no longer produced in North America, but the security of the stored PCBs is questionable, and it seems likely that the pollutants will continue to seep into the whales habitat for years to come unless serious international efforts are made to eliminate them (Ford et al., 99). Although pollution and deterioration of food sources are key factors in the decline of killer whale populations, there are still other small factors, such as, incidents where whales are harmed or killed by boat propellers and even oil spills. The protection of these animals is necessary for their current status is endangered in some areas such as off the coasts of North America, and threatened in others. There are many aspects that make the killer whale such a defining beauty of the sea. First, their high intelligence level and well developed systems of communication set them apart from many animals. Then the culture they express commonly with family pods and strategized group hunting classifies them as a much more advanced species. Finally, the evolutionary domination of the seas as a high ranked animal of the food pyramid only remarks them as an incredible animal. There are many different species of the sea with many different characteristics that make them interesting, but none are as truly amazing as the killer whale. With laws in place to further protect the populations of killer whales many hope to see them prosper and live on for many centuries to come.

Wednesday, August 28, 2019

The Military Draft Should Not Be Reinstated Essay

The Military Draft Should Not Be Reinstated - Essay Example The Military Draft Should Not Be Reinstated The draft ensured that these young men were enlisted in the military force. It was compulsory the young men to be in the military as the few in the military and the volunteers could not sum up to a number that would ensure the country’s safety. Refusal of anyone to be inducted to the military, would lead to severe consequences, like lack of jobs and funds for college. This way, most young people joined the military, trained and when wars came up, they went out to fight for their nation. Thus, the government ensured that they had a strong enough military for wars like the world war. The military draft today should not be upheld. It is a draft that was used a long time ago for reasons that were important to the state. However, today, retaining the military draft would lead to more negative effects than positive ones. The government has discussed the draft a few times in congress. Coming back to the draft would lead to losses like jeopardizing the futures of most young people; wars are less today and more funds would be used to ensure that the ones, who enrolled, were maintained. These are but a few reasons that would make the draft a heavy task. First, it is important to note that the military draft was helpful back then due to the reoccurrence of wars and because the military had few people. However, the military today has had quite a success. So many people have volunteered to join the military as an occupation. The number of people in the military force is not little. ... The military has enough people who are experienced and well trained and are ready to fight for the country in case of anything. The force already fully represents the nation well, thus retrying the draft would not be important. Secondly, the draft would require the government to spend so much, which is unnecessary. As said earlier, the draft required so many people to enroll to the military. This would lead to a huge number of young people who need to be maintained and trained in the military. So much money would have to be spent to maintain the number of young people who joined the force (Pickering 2). Also, the kind of training and the facilities required would be doubled, or even tripled to ensure each recruit was well equipped to join the military force. This is another main reason why taking on the military draft would incur a loss to the state. Thirdly, the draft, if picked up, would jeopardize the futures of so many young people in the country, from men to women. Each young pe rson has plans and dreams to reach for the futures. The country needs more doctors daily, lawyers, business men and women, among others. The young people aged eighteen to twenty five were able bodied and in school, studying to achieve their dreams and improve the economy of the country (Congressional Digest 83). Forcefully enrolling most of this young people to the military force meant that the country would lose the labor force for other many occupations. This scarcity would eventually jeopardize the economy of the state. Another reason why the draft would not be fit if replayed is that, it is seen as a panic move. The country, like every other country has a military force to ensure the security of all citizens is upheld. However, enrolling so many young people to the

Tuesday, August 27, 2019

International business environment Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2750 words

International business environment - Essay Example The paper describes the process of globalization that results in mutual satisfaction of international economic relations as man-made and natural barriers fall. The process itself may have positive as well as negative effects on country's economy. The process grew strength in the early 19990s. Globalization offer opportunities that entail effective resource allocation and so higher per capita incomes. Faster integration to the system can be promoted by new methods and ways of production driven by change in technology. Globalization has made it easier to divide production into several sub-processes, so labor-intensive sections of the production process could be gotten from abroad. This atomization made international trade in intermediate goods a growing substantial feature of international trade. The rapid change in international demand and supply conditions has besides bringing economies together, made relations more composite. Another issue that has made international trade complex i s the weight of the upcoming markets in the world economy has become substantially more prominent. Although globalization entails various dimensions, it usually refers to economic ties and processes. Economic globalization pertains the expansion of production, consumption, trade, savings, and investment made to markets beyond regional and national ones. For countries that are developing, the risk of growing inequality linked with active participation in the global economy attributed to institutional weaknesses relating to being poor. (Prasad 2003, p.4). This paper tries to bring out a fair view of globalization; pointing out the benefits and risks that globalization has for countries that are developing. The paper looks at the evidence and controversies that can be used against and in favor of globalization and also the policy options and prospects. It also tries to assist Palomia by looking at its economy and reporting the risks and benefits of globalization. Gains from globalizati on Benefits from Globalization can lead to advances, in efficiency and gains, in economic wellbeing. Trade improves division of labor as countries that specialize in a given field gains comparative advantage over the rest. This is a very vital part of economic empowerment as a country like Palomia may have the advantage on something over the others. Deeper relationships and penetration of international markets will enable and encourage and motivate consumers and producers to reap the benefits of economies of scale. The competitive international market will also reduce profits of monopolies. This incentivizes businesses to seek innovations that are cost efficient and advances what they sell. Gains in efficiency also should bring advancement in economic growth and so resulting in higher per capita incomes. This could be good prospects for developing nations as it is able to make more money to stir more growth. Globalization also has assisted many poor countries in the world achieve hi gher growth rates and minimize the number of citizens living in absolute poverty. For consumers, globalization or international trade expands the range of good services available. The rate at which goods and services get innovated is also encouraging making the trade dynamic. The participation of countries that are still developing in the process of globalization can allow them better apply their comparative advantages. This making them bring in advanced technologies, management experience and foreign capital. It is also prosperous for eliminating monopolistic characteristics and toughening market competition (Bigman 2002, p.10). Risks involved in globalization While providing more growth opportunities for countries that are still growing, the globalization process also poses enormous risks. To begin with, economic globalization has indeed expanded instead of reducing the

Monday, August 26, 2019

Olympic Marketing Strategy Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words

Olympic Marketing Strategy - Assignment Example It offers new products and services on the customers using new techniques and communication media. Marketing business is big and always growing. The political policies that support businesses sponsor in Beijing Olympic games in china are supposed not interfere with the games. Politics, business are supposed to compliment each other but not to impede each other. However, the 2008 September Olympic Games is bound to elicit a lot of pressure and controversies on the political arena regarding the Chinese human rights records and political system. (Plummer, 2008) According to human rights watch, it has argued Olympic sponsors to tackle human rights abuses which are currently taking place in Beijing Games, through targeting what can be achieved. The steps that Human Rights are proposing are in deed in line with the sponsors 's support and also with the Olympic Charter as well as with corporate social responsibility of companies which to sponsor the Olympics. In addition to that, Microsoft and NBC companies which are also included in sponsoring the Olympic Games are also supposed to follow the policies of sponsoring the games which as it has been stated is to avoid political interference but campaigning for achievable human rights. Major global sporting events such as Olympic Games present companies with opportune moment for companies to exploit and market their products. And the 2008 Beijing Olympic Games is not different. This Olympic Games has offered a number of companies' opportunities to market their products. Among these companies is the Levono Company which is a top hi-technology company in China. The company is involved in manufacturing different technological products and it has a sponsorship deal with the IOC to equip Olympic venues with its equipments. (Quelch, 2008) Getting a marketing deal or sponsorship at the Olympic Games is normally a dream come true for any marketer. However, given the extensive protest seen global against the Chinese government, companies are bound to be faced with different and new challenges brought about in Beijing, top on these challenges include: 1. Political demands put at the Chinese administration will create challenge for companies sponsoring the Olympic Games which do not wish to be linked with the political controversy. 2. Considering that Chinese market is the biggest globally, it becomes apparent that no company will probably boycott the games. 3. A number of companies will take a dual marketing method where they will invoke China specific marketing campaigns within the country and invoke less China specific message outside the country. 4. The usually high advertising boost associated with Olympics advertisements may be low as companies reduced their marketing in Olympic-associated brands. The IOC has continued to argue companies and other stakeholders that the Olympic Games and aspirations as well as attainments of all athletes should not involve politics. Though it seems that the Chinese administration intends to use the games to improve its political image, the IOC do not want a repeat of what happened in Moscow when a number of companies and athletes boycotting Olympics. (Quelch, 2008) More so, all companies which are involved in the Olympic Games

Sunday, August 25, 2019

Teams and teamwork receive more and more attention in the study of Essay

Teams and teamwork receive more and more attention in the study of Organizational Behavior. Why is that so What are the characteristics of a high performing - Essay Example ior studies and applies knowledge about how individuals and groups act in organizations, taking a system approach: people-organization relationships are interpreted in terms of the person, group, organization, and the whole social system, with the purpose of improving the relationships through achieving human, organizational and social objectives simultaneously (Clark 2005). Buckley, Beu, Novicevic, and Sigerstad (2001) in their article devoted to the management of generation next, as they call it, note, that the modern workplace is characterized by such factors as growth of technology, service orientation, work flexibility, and empowered teams. Teams, consisting of individuals with various specializations and competencies, have become an important and integral element of organizations. Teams are used for complex tasks, integrating diverse groups into the work force. Whereas organizations develop a leader approach to staffing, teams move toward self-management, and the number of management positions available for promotion decreases. These changes in organization have put new tasks in front of managers and common workers. The manager of today has to have cross-functional competencies corresponding to all the roles fulfilled by the teams he guides. He should know how to gather and lead such cross-functional and global teams in order to make them work eff ectively. New entrants to work should be ready to continuously develop strong team skills and learn how to be an effective team member, develop the network of professional relationships matching all the roles one needs for teamwork, learn the politics of tolerance and be able to employ â€Å"a soft communication and hard negotiation style†, to keep one’s domain feeling virtually unemployed and in demand. These are some of the advices the authors give, revealing to us the important notions of the modern organization and workplace. This article is not the only one. Teams and teamwork in the conditions of global

Liabilities of the company Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Liabilities of the company - Essay Example The use of insurance is a great way to protect assets. The three most important items that must be protected by insurance are property, income, and liabilities. Most large corporations have billions of dollars in physical assets. These assets such as buildings and machinery should have insurance against fire and natural disasters. On March 11, 2011 Japan was struck by the 4th largest earthquake in the history of mankind. A natural disaster can occur at any time since these are natural events that occur at random. Some of the natural disasters coverage that companies should seek includes earthquakes, hurricanes, tornados, tsunamis, fire, and floods. The liabilities of a company are an important aspect of the capital structure of a company. Normally liabilities of corporate debt are hard to protect against. A method that can be use to create a certain level of protection for debt is to use a portfolio approach to protect the debt by formulating a strong portfolio of financial instrumen ts that serve as a safe haven in case the company is not able to pay for its debt due bad operating results. The liquid portfolio can be partially liquidated to create cash that the firm can use to pay its current debt and other operating expenses such as payroll. Another important asset that must be protected is inventory. ... Insurance can also be used by corporations to protect against workers claims and lawsuits by internal and external stakeholders. When a lawsuit is filed it is often better to settle out of court to lower legal costs and to reduce the impact of bad publicity to the company. The corporate image of the company is sacred. Back in 1998 Nike Corporation lost half its customers instantly due to the revelation of a sweetshop scandal. The use of an internal control system is extremely beneficial to a company. It can be used in order to increase the efficiency and productivity of the entire staff of employees. One of the benefits of the use of internal controls is that it safeguards the assets of the company. The most valuable asset of a company which must be protected at all times is the cash. Cash is the most liquid asset in existence. In the international arena the currency of most countries is different. Three of the most valued currencies in the world are the U.S. dollar, the Euro, and th e British Pound. The U.S. dollar is used as the reserve currency in the majority of the countries in the world. Internal controls can also be used to minimize the theft of inventory in a company. A way to protect the inventory is by placing hidden cameras across the entire warehouse where the inventory is being kept. In the retail environment cashiers must count the money when the cash register is cash out and the manager must verify the amount. Both employees must sign a document regarding the cash. The cash should then be taken to a safe prior to the money being deposited in the bank account of the company. The use of internal controls can prevent the managers and the accounting staff from colluding

Saturday, August 24, 2019

Land Law Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3500 words

Land Law - Essay Example For explaining this statement in relation to land law of the UK, actual occupation, Williams & Glyn's Bank v Boland (1981), City of London Building Society v Flegg (1988), Land Registration Act 2002 Schedule 3, Para 2, LRA 1925 s.70, Lloyd's Bank v Rosset (1991), Stack v Dowden (2007) and Jones v Kernott (2012), all will be employed in detail. In accordance with the law of land of the United Kingdom, if a land is not registered, an occupant can acquire the title by way of adverse possession over period of time. It can be done via combination of positive effect of the adverse possession, which gives the occupant’s title but the negative effect of the Land Act 1980 extinguishes the documentary1. Actual occupation indicates effective physical control over the land or property. It shows exclusive occupation. Though singly, but on behalf of several occupants. Hence, the owners of the land and the intruders cannot be the occupants of the vacant land at the same time. Here, the quest ion arises what act determines sufficient degree of exclusive physical control, which must be based on the circumstances. Besides the particular of land in nature and the way it is commonly enjoyed, it is true that everything is based on some specific situation. In a broad term, alleged occupants who have been dealing with the land might have the right to deal with and no other occupant is authorized to get it done. If the land was previously vacant ground depicting strong evidence of actual possession, it is neither indispensable nor conclusive2. Land Registration Act 2002 According to the Land Registration Act 2002, Schedule 3, Para 2, interests of persons in actual occupation states that an interest belongs at the time of disposition property to a person in actual occupation when he or she is in actual occupation following certain conditions3. The person should have interest under the Settled Land Act 1925, interest of a person against whom inquiry was made before the disposition , interest belongs to a person whose occupation was not clear, person to whom the disposition was made was not aware of the factual position and leasehold estate granted to take effective possession, could not effectuate at the time of disposition4. In the recent development, the judicial authority of the House of Lords conferred to the newly established Supreme Court. If we look at the judgment of Manchester City Council v Pinnock and Hounslow LBC v Powell, the Supreme Court tried to move on to a new path by realizing the importance of human in land law. Public body should not eject an occupier of land if it is disproportionate to do so5. In the case of Berrisford (FC) v Mexfield Housing Co-operative Ltd, the Supreme Court again considered an appeal of eviction keeping in minds that Ms. Berrisford had entered a mortgage under a scheme where against, she sold her house to a housing co-operative. The co-operative society at that time allowed her to remain in the same house. The co-op erative took plea that its agreement with the inhabitant did not create a lease. The Supreme Court was of the view that Ms. Berrisford had a lease for life; hence, she could not be removed from her existing place6. The mentioned decision of the apex court of the United Kingdom was widely welcomed by the legal fraternity and the people alike. Take the example of Stack v Dowden, wherein the House of Lords held that determination of an ownership in the property as far as the domestic background is concerned based on the common intention of both the parties.

Friday, August 23, 2019

Analysis of Jet Blue Airline company's Balance sheet Research Paper

Analysis of Jet Blue Airline company's Balance sheet - Research Paper Example In 2010, this trend was converse to what can be seen in 2011; the company’s current assets declined significantly in 2010 ($ 1,360 million) as compared to the level in the year 2009 ($ 1,534 million). Considering this increase in the current assets of the company, it can be argued that the company is making efforts to bring the current assets level back to what has been maintained in the year 2009. On the other hand, the property and equipment section of the total assets also signified a comparatively larger increase in the year 2011 as compared to the previous years, i.e. the property and equipment increased from $ 4,641 million in 2010 to $ 4,860 million in the year 2011. This increase is attributed to the purchase of new flight equipment by the Jet Blue Airline in 2011 and other equipment. This trend can be seen to be followed from the year 2010 in which the company also purchased the flight equipment, but the increase was not as significant as it has been in the year 2011 (Jet Blue Airline). On the other hand, the equity side of the balance sheet for the three years under consideration shows fewer changes in the year 2010 as compared to the financial year 2009 but there is a significant increase in the total liabilities and equity of the company in the year 2011. The overall increase in the equity and liabilities section of the company is $ 44 million in 2010. The long term liabilities of the company declined from $ 2,920 million in 2009 to $ 2,850 million in 2010. On the other hand, almost every item in current liabilities section showed increase in 2010 apart from the current maturities section, which declined considerably, i.e. $ 384 million in 2009 to $ 183 million in 2010. On the other side, the equity section of the balance sheet showed an increase primarily due to increase in the paid up capital in 2010. Keeping in view the liabilities and equity section of the balance sheet for the financial year 2011, the company showed an

Thursday, August 22, 2019

Foucault and kant Essay Example for Free

Foucault and kant Essay Both Kant and Foucault present a question of what is enlightenment? According to Immanuel Kant enlightenment was mans freedom from his â€Å"self-incurred immaturity†. Kant believes that all that is needed to reach enlightenment is freedom. Enlightenment could not be achieved by any one person, we have to do so as a community. Kant said that we should have the freedom to make public use of our reason in all situations. He also believed that revolution is a great way to remove oppressive government heads but it would not teach the community to think in a different way. Kant says that the matters of religion is the focal point of enlightenment. Thinking and acting freely is mans enlightenment and emerges us from our immaturity. Foucaults text is a reflection upon Kants views on â€Å"What is enlightenment? †. Foucault addresses many of the issues with Kants essay on â€Å"What is Enlightenment? † and says that is written in a world era to which no one belongs to. He says that enlightenment is an â€Å"exit† or a â€Å"way out†. Focault says that we have not yet reached enlightenment and that once we achieve this enlightenment there will be nowhere else to progress to and we will achieve our limit. I agree with Foucault over Kants view on enlightenment. I think as a whole we have not reached our enlightenment and I don’t think we will for a very long time. Although Kant said in order to reach enlightenment we have to do so as a community. We cannot do this because this is something that exceeds our limits as human beings.

Wednesday, August 21, 2019

Effect of Climate Change on Agricultural Activities

Effect of Climate Change on Agricultural Activities Chapter 1: Introduction Global Climate Change Climate is changing with the slow and steady pattern. The term Global Warming is referred to the annual average temperature increment of the earth. The average annual temperature of the earth has increased to 0.8  °C since the early 20th century and more than 66 percent of this increment happened after 1980. In this sense, especially in the context of environmental policy, the term climate change has become synonymous with the anthropogenic global warming. In many scientific journals, the term global warming refers to surface temperature increase while climate change includes global warming and everything else that increasing greenhouse gas levels will affect. Americas Climate Choices. Washington, D.C.: The National Academies Press. 2011. p.15.  ISBN978-0-309-14585-5. The average temperature of the Earths surface increased by about1.4 °F(0.8 °C) over the past 100 years, with about1.0 °F(0.6 °C) of this warming occurring over just the past three decades. Climate Change is a natural phenomenon may change the average weather conditions of any area because of some reasons. These reasons are biotic processes, variations in solar radiation received by Earth, plate tectonics, and volcanic eruptions. It is also observed that humans are also contributing to the climate change by their activities and these activities can cause significant change to the Climate, this phenomenon is called Global Warming. Change in the annual temperature, rainfall, and wind patterns of an area can cause significant impacts to the plant productivity of any area positively or negatively. Global warming can be a problem for coastal areas where it can cause rise in the sea level and thus may destroy the coastal areas and land. Rise of sea level may also pollute the underground fresh water and people may face water related problems. Climate Change may be beneficial for the lands covered in the ice like Polar Regions through which a large area can be vacated but it may invites some new disasters which would affect the life of humans in other parts of the world. Environment is a very sensitive system, when something new enters in the environment doesn’t accept it easily because it is holding the whole food chain with it and we humans are also very much linked with this food chain and when one link of this chain is disturbed it would directly or indirectly affect the whole chain. Thus it is very important to keep the chain intact and proper protection to this chain should be provided. Rise is temperature changes the whole habitat of an area because when temperature of an area rises the wind patterns of that area change because high temperature would make the air hot in the area and the air would move up and a low pressure area would be formed. To fill this low pressure area the airs from surrounding areas will come which will be cold and sometimes full of moisture and it would result in cloud formation and as a result rainfall would occur. But if this process gains more temperature then it would trigger the whole process and thus the climate of the area would be changing. This research addresses the climate changing in the district Gujrat which is affecting the agricultural activities of the area and vegetation cover is also being affected by the climate change. As we know that our food necessities are directly associated with vegetation cover and if the vegetation is disturbed by the climate change then it is going to affect all the people associated with it. So this research is important in the context that the vegetation is important for us and if there should be proper measures taken to control the impacts of climate change on vegetation. Agriculture Agriculture is the most renowned activity in the under-developing countries, because of unlimited availability of fertile land and less trend towards industrialization and other secondary and tertiary activities. Primary activities are those activities which are related to agriculture (both subsistence and commercial), mining, forestry, farming, grazing, hunting and gathering, fishing, and quarrying. The primary sector of the economy extracts or harvests products from the earth. The primary sector includes the production of raw material and basic foods. The major reason for primary activities in under-developed countries are the less education, less urbanization, less demand for development, and bad economic conditions. Primary activities also prevails in the developed countries but these activities are very less as compared to the secondary and tertiary activities. About 3% of America is engaged in primary activities as compared to under-developed countries where the percentage of p rimary activities is more than 50-60%. ( In developed countries, the primary activities are very less in ratio as compared to other activities plus these countries have proper techniques for saving their agriculture from being destroyed due to change of climate or any other disaster. On the other hand the underdeveloped countries are having very large ratio of agriculture in there economy and other primary activities nor do they have the techniques to save their economic source. This research is mainly concerned with one type of these countries which are underdeveloped and totally relying on the agricultural activities or other primary activities to fulfill their economic needs. That country is Pakistan, Pakistan is one of these countries which is relying on the agricultural activities. Agriculture in Punjab Agricultural of Pakistan is depending upon two kind of water resources; riverine water and rain water. Rivers are providing water through different canals. Rain is not the efficient source of providing water to the agriculture because it is very scarce in Pakistan and only the northern and western regions receive the amount of rainfall necessary for agriculture. The southern regions such as Sindh, South Punjab and Baluchistan don’t receive the rainfall required for agriculture Agriculture through Irrigation There are seven link canals in Pakistan which are substantially important for agriculture in Pakistan these canals are as follow; Chashma Jhelum Link Taunsa Panjnad Link Rasul Qadirabad Link Qadirabad Balloki Link Balloki Sulemanki Link II Trimmu Sidhnai Link Sidhnai – Milsi – Bahawal Link These are the canals which being utilized for irrigation purposes and dependency on rain water does not exist. Agriculture through Rains The second source of agriculture is rain water, playing a substantial role in those areas where there is no river or canal. Rain recharges the ground water in those areas and that water is utilized in the dry season for the agriculture and other uses. In Punjab the high quantity of rainfall is towards the northern areas which are close to the Jammu Kashmir and Khyber Pakhtunkhwa. The average annual rainfall of Northern Punjab is almost 700mm which is because the North Punjab receives two types of rainfall one is through Monsoons coming from the east from Bay of Bengal and the other is through Western winds coming from the Caspian Sea and Mediterranean Ocean Area of Interest (Gujrat) District Gujrat is the North Eastern District in Punjab where it is bounded with the Azad Kashmir from North East, Mandi Bahauddin from the South western side which was once part of this district but after 1996 it was separated from this district, Jhelum from the North Western side separated by the river Jhelum and Gujranwala and Sialkot from the Southern side separated by the river Chenab. It is between two important rivers of Pakistan Jhelum and Chenab which makes it the most fertile land of Pakistan. According to the Indus pact of 1960 both of these rivers were given to Pakistan that’s why the flow of these rivers remains constant throughout the year unlike other rivers of Pakistan which don’t flow during the winter season. The language Punjabi is being spoken in this part of Pakistan according to the Census of 1998 and 95% of people speak it with following dialects; Majhi or Standard (Majority) Potohari (Few people near jehlum district) Shah puri dialect (Few people speak this dialect) Other than Punjabi there are two more languages being spoken in this area which are Urdu and English. According to the 1998 census of Pakistan the total population of Gujrat district was 2,048,008 of which 1,026,000 are males and 1,022,000 are females, with a population density of 642 persons per square kilometer. Over 25.62% of the population was recorded as being urban. 1998 Census of Pakistan figures Urban Resource Centre The city of Gujrat is divided into two circles, City Circle (Head office Gujrat City) and Sadar Circle (Head office Jalalpur Jattan. The major source of income among the people of the city are agriculture and small industries. As agriculture is the major source of income among the people of city Gujrat then it is very important to stay safe from any kind of disaster which can damage agricultural prospect of the city suburbs. Chenab is a major river flowing between India and Pakistan, originates from the upper Himalaya where Indian state of Himachal Pradesh exists, reaches Punjab flowing through Jammu and Kashmir. It has many tributaries which are in Pakistan and also In India. According the Indus water treaty the water of river Chenab is allocated to Pakistan. It enters Pakistan forming a boundary between two districts of Punjab which are Sialkot and Gujrat. It provides water to the Pakistan throughout the year, in winter season the water quantity is decreased while in summer season the water coming as a result of monsoon rains causes floods in the southern Punjab. The flood of 2010 in Pakistan had a lot of contribution from this river. Chenab being a large river body is surrounding the city of Gujrat and fulfilling the water needs of the city. As we know that water is an essential element for the agriculture, the agriculture of the city Gujrat is also relying on the water of this river. As river recharges the ground water of this city which is utilized in the season of winter when the crops need more water and rainfall can’t fulfill the needs of the city’s agricultural land. Climate The city of Gujrat is located in temperate zone where the temperature shoots up to 45 ° Centigrade during the summer season while hot spells are short because of proximity of the Azad Kashmir Mountains with the city of Gujrat. In the season of winter the temperature may fall to 2 ° Centigrade. The average rainfall on the Kashmir border is over 1000 mm, at Kharian it is 750 mm, at Gujrat 670 mm, and at Dinga 500 mm. Gujrat city receives the average annual rainfall of 67cm (670mm) according to the data received from Meteorological department. Summer receives the heavy monsoons which are almost 80 percent of the annual rainfall and winter receives the rest of 20 percent rainfall which is as a result of western winds coming from Mediterranean and Caspian seas bringing moisture with them and release while passing through different regions, when western winds reaches Gujrat they turn almost dry that’s why the contribution of western winds to the annual rainfall is small. The monsoon winds are originated from the east near the Bay of Bengal in the summer season when the Inter-tropical Convergence Zone (ITCZ) pushes to the North after the 21st March of every year. This change of ITCZ create a lot of low pressures in the regions and it also helps evaporate enough water from the ocean. Forming of different low pressures attract winds from the surrounding areas so these monsoon winds starts moving towards these low pressure areas and this is how they reach Gujrat at the end of month of June and start the rains which are sometimes disastrous for crops because of excessive rainfall or lateness of rainfall commonly known as failing of the monsoon rains. Wavelengths Sun emit radiations which are composed of different wavelengths, some of these wavelengths are very harmful and some of these wavelengths are helpful for us. Harmful wavelengths are having high frequency such as Alpha, Beta, Gamma and Ultra Violet rays are blocked by our atmosphere and they don’t reach us because of the thick wall of ozone layer. Helpful rays are those which have frequencies and high wavelengths they are not blocked by the atmosphere and they are beneficial for the human because visible portion is also included in this part. Visible Spectrum Visible portion is composed of three important rays having wavelengths from 0.4 to 0.7ÃŽ ¼m and are termed as Blue, Green and Red. These rays are the only wavelengths which a human eye can see while all the other wavelengths can’t be seen by the human eye and the spectrum of wavelength is very large. Normalized Difference Vegetation Index (Ndvi) Normalized difference Vegetation Index is often called NDVI, a technique used to determine vegetation cover of any area through satellite data. Sunlight reaches the earth surface and hit different targets, those targets may include all objects placed on the earth surface. These objects have specific reflectance curve (reflectance values as a result of interaction with the sunlight). Vegetation also have a reflectance curve according to which the pigment in plant leaves, chlorophyll, strongly absorbs visible light (from 0.4 to 0.7 ÃŽ ¼m) for use in photosynthesis. The cell structure of the leaves, on the other hand, strongly reflects near infrared light (from 0.7 to 1.1 ÃŽ ¼m). The more leaves a plant has, the more these wavelengths of light are affected, respectively. Vegetation appears very different at visible and near infrared wavelengths. In visible light (top), vegetated areas are very dark, almost black, while desert regions (like the Sahara) are light. At near-infrared wavelengths, the vegetation is brighter and deserts are about the same. By comparing visible and infrared light, scientists measure the relative amount of vegetation. NDVI is calculated from the visible and near-infrared light reflected by vegetation. Healthy vegetation (left) absorbs most of the visible light that hits it, and reflects a large portion of the near-infrared light. Unhealthy or sparse vegetation (right) reflects more visible light and less near infrared light. The numbers on the figure above are representative of actual values, but real vegetation is much more varied. (Illustration by Robert Simmon). Nearly all satellite Vegetation Indices employ this difference formula to quantify the density of plant growth on the Earth — near-infrared radiation minus visible radiation divided by near-infrared radiation plus visible radiation. The result of this formula is called the Normalized Difference Vegetation Index (NDVI). Written mathematically, the formula is: NDVI = (NIR — VIS)/ (NIR + VIS) Calculations of NDVI for a given pixel always result in a number that ranges from minus one (-1) to plus one (+1); however, no green leaves gives a value close to zero. A zero means no vegetation and close to +1 (0.8 0.9) indicates the highest possible density of green leaves.

Tuesday, August 20, 2019

Indian Education Market Analysis

Indian Education Market Analysis Introduction Framework of International Business in overseas market. Higher education these days has become a profitable business due to high demand of quality education worldwide. This has given rise to international branch campuses all around the world. These campuses operate in host country and provide awards and qualifications with a brand name of home university. An Analysis of why University of Wollongong expand to India UOW has already established a very strong partnership with Indian academic institutes in the areas of mining technology, renewable energy and logistics. UOW also have strong links with major Indian IT companies like Infosys. The cost of setting up a campus in India will be less because UOW has very strong local ties which will be helpful in raising the capital. University is also popular among Indian students and over one thousand Indian students are currently enrolled in UOWs Australian and Dubai campuses. Indian education sector is viewed as very lucrative as the country want to develop skills of around 400 million people by 2022(Munro, 2017). It is highly anticipated that UOW would make profit by extending its overseas market to India. There is no doubt that every business venture has some risks associated with it.   In this case, major risk would be that students may prefer to study in universitys Australian campus instead of Indian campus. This risk can be minimised by offerin g less tuition fees at Indian campus. Another solution is to offer twinning arrangements to students which would involve option of partial study in Indian campus followed by study in Australian campus. PESTLE Analysis of Indian Education Market Indian education sector has recently been identified as a lucrative market for investment due to low literacy rate, growing urban population and recent increase in per capita income. Indias education sector does offer many profitable business opportunities for foreign universities like UOW(Tohmatsu, October 2012). Indias higher education market has grown significantly in the past ten years as shown in the fig below. More students are enrolling in higher educational institutes after leaving school and willing to pay more for quality education. There are opportunities for foreign universities to establish an international branch campus in India independently or in collaboration with private sector. A detailed analysis of Indian market in terms of political, environmental, social, technological and legal factors can be discussed as follows: Political Environment India is a democratic country and current government was elected in May 2014 under the leadership of Prime Minister Narendra Modi. Current government is very stable and strongly support foreign investment in education sector. A legislation is currently underway to allow foreign universities to setup international campuses in India. The proposal is to allow foreign universities to operate independently, award degrees and repatriate all profits which is strongly supported by many state governments as well. Governments focus is on providing opportunities for millions of young Indians to receive quality education and employment skills. Government is committed to skill development of half a billion people by 2022(, 2017). Government strongly support collaboration between foreign universities and Indian universities in research and development. Government focus is on developing partnership with foreign universities in the field of mining technology, software development, pharmaceuticals and nanotechnology. UOW has recently joined hands with Indian state government of Gujarat to support Centre of Mining Excellence due to the universitys expertise in mining technology. Current political environment in India is very favourable for UOW to setup an international campus in India. Economic Environment India is the third largest economy by purchasing power parity and seventh largest in the world in terms of nominal Gross Domestic Product (GDP). India is considered as one of the major economy in G-20 nations. During the last five years, Indian economy has experienced a growth rate of 7-8% per annum and it is expected to grow at the same rate for at least next five years. The driver behind countrys economic expansion is its service sector which comprised of retail, telecommunications and information technology. India is emerging as a very strong market for higher education and vocational training due to its service sector driven economy. The number of enrolments at educational institutes in India is the third largest in the world only behind China and the US. Education sector in India has witnessed a strong growth in the past 20 years and it continues to grow which gave rise to strong demand for higher education. Higher education sector in the past was dominated by government institutes, however admissions in private institutes have suddenly increased recently due to higher demand supply gap. It is estimated that education market in India will worth billions of dollars in upcoming years. Education market in India is becoming very lucrative and this is the best time for UOW to setup an international campus in India(Deloitte, September 2013). Social and Cultural Environment India is considered one of the youngest countries in the world with a median age of around 24 years. Indias potential workforce is estimated to reach one billion by 2025. Indian literacy rate is 74.04 % as compared to world literacy rate of 86.3%. Indian society is very diverse with many cultures, languages and religions. In India, religion plays an important role and people are very much influenced by it. Culture and Religion also have implications on education(Andy Bertsch, 2013). In the past, most of the students were only interested in engineering and medicine courses due to the influence of their family and friends. Nowadays students have started showing interest in variety of other courses such as journalism, hospitality, law and management.   There is a golden opportunity in India for UOW to offer specialised courses and quality education to millions of aspiring students. Technological Environment Technological changes can lead to innovation, better quality and less costs for the organisations. Internet and telecommunication technology is evolving very fast in India. Most of the country is served with 3G and 4G networks to support businesses. India has a powerful information technology sector which constantly provides new computer systems, software and technological advancements. India has all the infrastructure in place to provide world class teaching facilities like smart lecture theatres with audio video connectivity, e-learning and fast internet connection for the proposed international campus(Scholar, January 2016). Legal Environment Indian legal system is well developed and based on the Common law of England. Judicial system is fair, accountable and transparent. Taxation policies support foreign direct investment and international trade is governed by flexible regulations. Indian companies pay flat tax rate of 30%, however foreign companies pay flat tax rate of 40%.   The government has started projects like E-Biz and Invest India with an aim to facilitate investments from global investment community. Now only single application is required for multiple clearances to set up a new business in India. This is the best time for a foreign university like UOW to establish an Indian campus. Conclusion There is no doubt that international branch campus can be a financial risk for the Universities however, UOW is already running a very successful campus in Dubai. Lucrative Indian education market, favourable economic conditions, strong partnership with local IT industry and research collaboration with academic institutes are some of the potential success factors for UOW to open a campus in India. References ANDY BERTSCH, J. O., M.SAEED, SONNIE BATES AND ABM ABDULLAH 2013. Business Environment in India: An International Perspective Business Environment in India: An International Perspective Dhaka. DELOITTE September 2013. Deloitte Foreign Universities in India. Touche Tohmatsu India Private Limited. EXPORT.GOV. 2017. India Education Service [Online]. International trade administration. Available: [Accessed 25 March 2017]. HEALEY, N. October 19, 2015 The Conversation Academic rigour journalistic flair Universities that set up branch campuses in other countries are not colonisers [Online]. The Conversation Media Group Ltd. Available: [Accessed 22 March 2017]. MUNRO, K. 2017. Could building campuses offshore be the future for Australias universities? [Online]. Faltex Media. Available: [Accessed 27 March 2017]. SCHOLAR, M. R. R. January 2016. MAKE IN INDIA: PROSPECTS AND CHALLENGES International Journal of Business Quantitative Economics and Applied Management Research, 2, 60. TOHMATSU, D. T. October 2012. Indian Higher Education Sector Opportunities aplenty, growth unlimited! :  ©2012 Deloitte Touche Tohmatsu India Private Limited.

Monday, August 19, 2019

The Themes of Charlotte Brontes Jane Eyre :: Jane Eyre Essays

The Themes of Jane Eyre In the beginning of Jane Eyre, Jane struggles against Bessie, the nurse at Gateshead Hall, and says, I resisted all the way: a new thing for me†¦"(Chapter 2).   This sentence foreshadows what will be an important theme of the rest of the book, that of female independence or rebelliousness. Jane is here resisting her unfair punishment, but throughout the novel she expresses her opinions on the state of women.   Tied to this theme is another of class and the resistance of the terms of one's class.   Spiritual and supernatural themes can also be traced throughout the novel. Soon after Jane is settled at Lowood Institution she finds the enjoyment of expanding her own mind and talents.   She forgets the hardships of living at the school and focuses on the work of her own hands.   She is not willing to give this up when she is engaged to Rochester.   She resists becoming dependent on him and his money.   She does not want to be like his mistresses, with their fancy gowns and jewels, but even after she and Rochester are married, she wants to remain as Adele's governess.   She is not willing to give up her independence to Rochester, and tries to seek her own fortune by writing to her uncle.   In the end, when she does have her own money, she states, "I am my own mistress" (Chapter 37). Jane not only shows the reader her beliefs on female independence through her actions, but also through her thoughts.   Jane desires to see more of the world and have more interaction with its people.   While she appreciates her simple life at Thornfield, she regrets that she does not have the means to travel.   She relates her feelings to all women, not just those of her class, saying: Women are supposed to be very calm generally: but women feel just as men feel; they need exercise for their faculties, and a field for their efforts as much as their brothers do; they suffer from too rigid a restraint, too absolute a stagnation, precisely as men would suffer; and it is narrow-minded in their more privileged fellow-creatures to say that they ought to confine themselves to making puddings and knitting stockings, to playing on the piano and embroidering bags (Chapter 12). It is also important here to talk about Bertha, for she is a female character who is often seen resisting. The Themes of Charlotte Bronte's Jane Eyre :: Jane Eyre Essays The Themes of Jane Eyre In the beginning of Jane Eyre, Jane struggles against Bessie, the nurse at Gateshead Hall, and says, I resisted all the way: a new thing for me†¦"(Chapter 2).   This sentence foreshadows what will be an important theme of the rest of the book, that of female independence or rebelliousness. Jane is here resisting her unfair punishment, but throughout the novel she expresses her opinions on the state of women.   Tied to this theme is another of class and the resistance of the terms of one's class.   Spiritual and supernatural themes can also be traced throughout the novel. Soon after Jane is settled at Lowood Institution she finds the enjoyment of expanding her own mind and talents.   She forgets the hardships of living at the school and focuses on the work of her own hands.   She is not willing to give this up when she is engaged to Rochester.   She resists becoming dependent on him and his money.   She does not want to be like his mistresses, with their fancy gowns and jewels, but even after she and Rochester are married, she wants to remain as Adele's governess.   She is not willing to give up her independence to Rochester, and tries to seek her own fortune by writing to her uncle.   In the end, when she does have her own money, she states, "I am my own mistress" (Chapter 37). Jane not only shows the reader her beliefs on female independence through her actions, but also through her thoughts.   Jane desires to see more of the world and have more interaction with its people.   While she appreciates her simple life at Thornfield, she regrets that she does not have the means to travel.   She relates her feelings to all women, not just those of her class, saying: Women are supposed to be very calm generally: but women feel just as men feel; they need exercise for their faculties, and a field for their efforts as much as their brothers do; they suffer from too rigid a restraint, too absolute a stagnation, precisely as men would suffer; and it is narrow-minded in their more privileged fellow-creatures to say that they ought to confine themselves to making puddings and knitting stockings, to playing on the piano and embroidering bags (Chapter 12). It is also important here to talk about Bertha, for she is a female character who is often seen resisting.

The Many Faces of Pride :: Exploratory Essays Research Papers

The Many Faces of Pride   Ã‚   Pride is idolatry, boastfulness, and the failure to recognize deficiencies (Peters 87).   With time, people have become more accepting of pride in their societies.   This progression of acceptance has led to alterations in the definition.   It is the slight tweakings of the definition that have allowed us to perceive pride as a deadly sin and simultaneously an essential for success.      Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   The beginning of all sin occurred when Eve listened to the evil snake, in the garden of Eden, who told her that she could acquire God's knowledge (Peters 87).   God forbid Eve to eat the apple of knowledge, but she did regardless.   Eve committed the first sin of humankind in an act of pride because pride has been defined as "an attempt at human self-divination" (Peters 87).   Since she was only the second person to walk the earth, Eve had few examples of how to act.   It seems to be that it was her sheer curiosity and amazement with Eden that caused her to eat the apple, not an attempt to become like God.   Despite her intentions, according to the ancient definition of pride Eve sinned the first sin of self-divination.   Another example of ancient, religious pride can be seen through an ancient Jewish sect, the Pharisees.  Ã‚   These men claimed to be the most religious of the land.   Although they did not seek to be at the same leve l as God, they sought answers and results for their village among themselves when they should have been talking to God.   Often times, the Pharisees bent the rules of the Ten Commandments for themselves but forced the villagers to strictly obey them. To make matters worse, these men wanted to be rewarded for their good deeds of "helping their community."   The Pharisees refused to admit their faults and were condemned "proud" by Jesus (Yancey & Stafford 1125).   God gives us a final example that pride is a deadly sin. Lucifer was created to be one of God's right hand cherubs, "the seal of perfection"   (Ezekiel 28:12-15).   However, one day Lucifer decided that he wanted more knowledge and power than God.   When God found out, Lucifer was kicked out of heaven and fell to the earth, bringing one third of the stars (fallen angels) with him (Isaiah 12:12-14 & Revelations 12:4).

Sunday, August 18, 2019

Hamlet: An Instrument of Life - Hamlets Contribution To the Play :: Shakespeare Hamlet Essays

Hamlet: An Instrument of Life - Hamlet's Contribution To the Play Samuel Johnson writes "Hamlet is through the piece rather an instrument than an agent." This statement is true, it is exhibited in several ways. The manner in which Hamlet's father manifests himself is an indication of his true intentions. Hamlet acts as an earthly means of revenge, he is the output for actions directed by a mortal being. Inner weakness has riddled Hamlet's life, it runs rampant in his decisions, or lack of, and has plagued his fate. His inability to overcome insecurity, procrastination, and an over analytical mind contribute, overwhelmingly, to his downfall. Hamlet allows negative character attributes to steer his life, the point being, He is an instrument of his own indecision, which spawned from flaws within his character. Establishing Hamlet's sanity is a difficult task. It's stability in his life is questionable, but his contemplation of madness has left him vulnerable to its control. This control has led Hamlet to act outside of character and in an extremely peculiar fashion. Hamlet is an instrument of his father, his own self, and of sanity. The appearances of the Ghost, although sporadic, do not come without meaning. Hamlet Senior, arguably, is one of Shakespeare's finest creations. The character was molded using the Elizabethan view on death and apparitions. Such belief stated hauntings had a communication value that was used to seek resolve in unfinished business. The basis for Hamlet Senior's untimely visits should be sought. "Revenge his foul and most unnatural murder." (Shakespeare, William. Hamlet. United kingdom: Longman Group UK Limited, 1995. Act One, Scene Five, ll 29.) The above quotation provides insight into the Ghost's purpose. Hamlet is a device that is readily available for use, he is the bridge between death, vengeance, and reality. Hamlet had been already effected by the marriage of his Uncle, Claudius, to his Mother, but the factor that remains liable for Hamlet's eventual downfall is the involvement of the apparition. To classify Hamlet as an instrument of his father is not farfetched. His obsession with life and it's happenings cannot be attributed to his madness, the revenge that coursed through Hamlet's veins provided a platform for his antic disposition to finally be laid out. One must not lose sight of the fact that Hamlet's vengeance was spurred by his father, thus making him a tool of Hamlet Senior's involvement and wishes. Flaws in character have also proven to be costly for Hamlet. Instead of relying on positive characteristics, Hamlet emphasizes weakness in will, procrastination, and indecision. "He seems incapable of deliberate action, and

Saturday, August 17, 2019

Biblical Story in Goblin Market

â€Å"And I took the little book out of the angel’s hand and ate it up; and it was in my mouth sweet as honey: and as soon as I had eaten it, my belly was bitter† (Revelation 10:10). Is it always that we are punished for searching knowledge or pleasures? In Christina Rossetti’s Goblin Market, the author uses clear parallels with the Biblical Fall and the Garden of Eden. Both stories depict the natural human desire to taste the unknown, but the philosophical and social implications in the Biblical Fall and in Goblin Market are completely different.Thesis statement: the setting, the characters, and the plot in Rossetti’s Goblin Market are close to those in the Biblical account of Fall, but Rossetti’s poem offers a different vision of Bible and carries different philosophical implications for the reader. Goblin Market and the Garden of Eden The Biblical story of the Garden of Eden and Eve’s Fall is very similar to that described by Christina Ros setti in Goblin Market. The forbidden fruits in both stories are integrally linked to human sexuality.Forbidden fruits represent a new (and forbidden) knowledge, although the forbidden fruits in Rossetti’s poem do not cause as serious consequences as those in the Biblical account of Fall. Desire and doubt – these are the key elements in Goblin Market and Bible. As Eve finds herself seduced by the external forces to taste the forbidden fruit, the setting in Rossetti’s story is very similar: â€Å"Morning and evening / Maids heard the goblins cry: / â€Å"Come buy our orchard fruits, / Come buy, come buy† (Rossetti 1-4).Rossetti intentionally fills the setting with seducing elements and temptations. Goblins offering wonderful fruits to Laura and Lizzie make the two women think better about their earthy desires and the consequences of eating these fruits: â€Å"We must not look at goblin men, / We must not buy their fruits, / Who knows what soil they fed / Their hungry thirsty roots? † (Rossetti 42-45). Eve’s feelings in the Garden of Eden were similar to those of Laura – the desire to taste new knowledge, and the doubt, whether a woman should do that.Everything goes in a way similar to the Biblical account of Fall – seduction, hesitation, and the decisive step – until Laura eats the fruit. In many instances the similarity of the setting in Goblin Market and the Biblical Fall carries profound philosophical and social implications. However, such similarity is mostly deceptive, as Rossetti exploits a different interpretation of Biblical readings to deliver her own message to the reader. The first and the primary difference we face in the person of Lizzie.On the one hand, Lizzie is very similar to a redemptive figure of Christ; on the other hand, Lizzie does not create the separation between her and Laura after Laura eats the fruit. Laura does not experience the sense of shame which Eve experiences in B ible. On the contrary, Laura expresses delightful emotions. Eve’s symbolic expulsion from the Garden of Eden is absent in Goblin Market, and tasting the fruit results in the growing spiritual closeness between Laura and Lizzie: â€Å"Golden head by golden head, / Like two pigeons in one nest / Folded in each other’s wing† (Rossetti 184-86).As Bible opposes human nature to the divine spirit, Rossetti avoids this discord and tends to use the Biblical plot as the basis for a different spiritual interpretation. In the similar setting, and surrounded by similar temptations, Laura is different from Eve: she manages to keep her spiritual position, and the role of Christ undertaken by Lizzie does not lead to Laura’s redemption. Rossetti avoids creating a distinction between the Tree of Life and the Tree of Knowledge. As we know, Bible tells the story of Adam and Eve as they eat the forbidden fruit and lose their access to the Tree of Life.As soon as Laura tastes the fruit she immediately loses the access to this very fruit and does not have an opportunity to taste it again. Rossetti does not speak about the two different trees. The fruit of knowledge and the fruit of life in Bible represent the expression of and the division between the sin and the purity. Rossetti combines these two notions in one fruit which Laura tastes with the help of Goblins: â€Å"Must she them buy no more such dainty fruit? / Must she no more such succous pasture find, / Gone deaf and blind?/ Her tree of life droop’d from the root† (Rossetti 257-60). Rossetti adapts the Biblical story to the given cultural and social environment. As Eve was weighing the sinfulness of eating the forbidden fruit, Laura rather weighs the profitability of her â€Å"eating† decision: â€Å"Buy from us with a golden curl. / She clipp’d a precious golden lock, / She dropp’d a tear more rare than pearl† (Rossetti 125-27). In this long process of hes itation, Goblins play the decisive role and lead Laura to step which will become critical to her further life.Goblins are deceptive. They emphasize the importance of earthy desires which can easily replace the need for eternal spiritual rewards. The Book of Revelations reads: â€Å"I counsel thee to buy of me fold tried in the fires, that thou mayest be rich† (3:18). In the same manner, Goblins promote the benefits of corruptible earthy rewards, and Laura accepts their invitation. Certainly, one will ask, why the profitable offer to taste a fruit is corruptible for Laura, and the answer is very simple: the sweetest taste of a fruit does not last for long.In the Garden of Eden, Eve’s pleasure does not last for long, too; she has to leave the garden with a sinful shame in her soul, and having forever lost the chance to return to the place in heaven. Conclusion Christina Rossetti adapts the Biblical account of Eve’s Fall to produce a completely different effect on the reader. Rossetti offers a different vision of Eve’s sin. Similar to Eve, Laura is seduced at eating the forbidden fruit, but in distinction from Eve, she is not compelled at leaving heaven, and does not experience the feeling of shame.Lizzie is very similar to the redemptive figure of Christ, but the two women are not separated by the fact of eating the fruit. As a result, Rossetti avoids the discord between purity and sin, found in the Biblical writings, and puts the reader into the ambiguity of the sinful implications in Goblin Market. Works Cited Bible. King James Version. Camden, Thomas Nelson, 1992. Rossetti, C. â€Å"Goblin Market. † 1862. Representative Poetry Online. 15 April 2008. http://rpo. library. utoronto. ca/poem/1753. html

Friday, August 16, 2019

Professional nursing boundaries Essay

Nurses known as a caregiver and provide close relationship not only between patient and the hospital but also for other healthcare profession such as doctors and assistant medical officer and also between communities. Their services are very important and therefore they performing â€Å"heart† in the medical and healthcare service provision in Malaysia. Due to the rapidly changing in Malaysia healthcare environment, the nurses are required to provide care through their extended roles and provide services rendered by other healthcare professional in order to complement the health service to the population. Therefore, Malaysian nurses have become aware for legal and ethical issues that have impacted on their practise and recognised the importance of practice that have legal and ethical principle thus promoting competency and decision making. In Malaysia itself, most of the major population still choose to get treatment from government. It is because government hospital provides good quality service in healthcare, provide an advances technologies, provide skilled staff, sophisticated equipment beside the cheapest service that they get. In the healthcare service nowadays, professional boundaries are important issues and have been a quite popular topic. Basically, if we search an internet pertaining to professional boundaries we always often get the result are mainly about interactions between nurses and patient or client. According to College of Registered Nurse of British Columbia (no date), urged that within the nurse and client relationship, the client relationship are often vulnerable because the nurse has influenced, access to information, and specialized knowledge and skill. If the nurse does not use her judgement carefully they tend to misused their power. 2(wrds count 263) Like other health care service, nurses can cause harm to patient if they do not full fill their needs. To provide a safest care to patient, nurses must know the concepts of professional boundaries. This boundary also defined as a professional relationship are sharing or gave other profession or nurse their work based on cooperation and team work among them. ‘Professional boundaries in nursing are defined as limits which protect the space between  the professional’s power and the client’s vulnerability’ stated by (Nursing & Midwifery Board of Australia, 2010 p1). However, also quoted by Nursing and Midwifery Council (no date, p1) ‘that boundaries in nursing also define as the limits of behaviour which allow a nurse or midwife to have a professional relationship with a person in their care’. Within this assignment I intend to explore the problem encountered in both relationship and professional boundaries between the perioperative nurse and the general anaesthesia nurse (GA nurse). This assignments objective are also to gain knowledge and experience between the Ga nurse and perioperative nurse. I am a trained staff nurse currently work as a general anaesthetic nurse for almost 10 years in the tertiary hospital situated in Kota Kinabalu. I have my post basic in advance diploma of anaesthesia after I finish my 1 year course in anaesthesia field. I noticed that there is a boundary in my workplace between the perioperative nurse and the general anaesthesia nurses, the boundaries are mainly traditional boundaries. But even though the work task is different but the main purpose is for patient safety and quality of work. Basically perioperative nurse are working in the operating theatre.Their roles are to assist surgeon in various surgical procedure, and also helping patient comfortable before surgery. Scope of perioperative work also widening by helping patient after and post operatively. This nurse helps the smoothness of the surgical procedure. A scrub nurse and circulating nurse is specially trained nurse who work with surgeon in the operating room. Most of our scrub nurse and circulating nurse are very experienced, skilful nurses and most of them already had their advance diploma in perioperative nursing. In my workplace I identified a traditional blurred boundaries pertaining to my practice area. The blurred boundaries are identified in some operating room setting between the circulating nurse and general anaesthesia nurse. In my workplace the general anaesthesia nurse will be allocate in each of operating room setting. The general anaesthesia nurse will assists the anaesthesia doctor during the induction of anaesthesia, giving medication, setting intravenous line, anchoring endotracheal tube also to keep patient calm and safe before the induction of anaesthesia. Normally, the GA nurse  tends to have an advance training in anaesthesia such as certificate in anaesthesia where we will get after 1 year attend post basic in anaesthesia. In Malaysia, we had to have the certificate before we can work in the operating theatre as a GA nurse. As quoted by Lukosius et al (2004, p523), ‘to be a good nurse in practice, the organization must have legislation and protected titles for clinical nurse specialist, nurse midwives, and nurse anaesthetist, so they can work according to their standard practice’. Working in the operating room is about team work among the various types of healthcare such as nurses, assistant medical officer, surgeon, anaesthetic doctor and also hospital attendance. Each of them plays their roles in the operating theatre by providing service direct and indirectly. This team work among the health care services are the strength of all organizations but the boundaries within this working area a still been taking care and are respected. Blurred boundaries that I identified happen in my workplace are due to some problem such as shortage of staff and because of an ineffective inter-professional working. The Ga nurse and the perioperative nurse have tried to worked together and share task based on common practice or skill, but the job description are still remain unclear. Both of them are still not understands about their placing parameters. Because of the unclear job description and not understanding the role ambiguity is created and misunderstanding can arise. As quoted by Rushmer et al (2005,p.80) said, ‘when the limits (boundaries) of sharing are ignored, nothing is clear and certainty is lost, the ability of collaboration to prepare realistically for their work together is gone where one of the parties ends up doing all the work, or all the unpleasant parts of the work’. Miers et al (2009) revealed, that the nurses are key to the success of inter-professional team. The effective of inter-professional also mentioned in the NMC code of conduct (2008), where the competencies that set by a mentor able to maintained professional boundaries and coordinate learning in an working environment and in an inter-professional working. Because shortage of staff especially nurses, some of the general anaesthesia  nurse are need to cover more than one operating room at the same time. When GA nurse are needed in the other operating room, the circulating nurse who worked in that particular operating room will had to act as a GA nurse. At the other hand GA nurse also can act as a circulating nurse when the job is compromised. As stated in NMC code of conduct (no date), ‘a nurse had to have advance skilled as well as increased knowledge’. Even though the circulating nurse does not have experience and skill as a GA nurse, it is they responsibilities to learn and gain knowledge and skill as a GA nurse. In Malaysia Nursing code of conduct (1998.p2), quoted ‘that nurses are responsibilities and accountability for her owns nursing judgement and action. When delegating work, the nurse remain accountable for the work done and appropriate supervision and support and guidance to be given to her’. The circulating nurse needs to be supervised and teach by the senior nurse who had the experienced or qualified as a GA nurse before she act and helped as a GA nurse. Also quotes by Nursing and Midwifery council (no date), ‘nurses must always be aware of their limits and ability and role boundaries, acknowledge their professional limitation and make accountable for their decision making and ability to work in a safe and effective manner’. This is reflected in the following paragraph of the Code of Conduct (2008), which states that ‘the nurse must have the knowledge and skill for safe and effective practice when working without direct supervision, recognise and work within limit, keep knowledge up to date and take part in learning and practice that maintain and develop your performance and competencies’. Although the nurses considering working in the position not related to their job, they have to fulfilled their task even though their do not have required registerable in that possess. For example although a registered nurse may work in operating theatre as a GA nurse or circulating nurse, they must not necessary to have a post basic course and qualified anaesthesia course. The environment also influenced the role of professional boundaries in my workplace. The nurses who work in operating theatre are abiding by nursing policies and regulations. In the operating theatre we also have our standard of practice called standard operating procedure where all the  nurses will follow the standard of practice procedure while performing their job. According to Brown (1998), Read (1999), Hamric (2000), Styles & Lewis (2000) cited in Lukosius et al (2004, p522), quotes’ that environment influence the development boundary in nursing roles, including work environment, policies and procedure, scope of practice, work schedule and work practice can influence the new roles in nursing practice’. Creating boundaries is a good way to keep professional relationship among the GA nurse and the perioperative nurse. The professional relationships are based on trust, respect, meeting the need of client and the appropriate use of power. According to National Council of State Boards of Nursing (no date) quotes, ‘that the power of a nurses comes from his/her professional position’. According to Retzklf (2012), when nurses show respect to each other, professional task, patient safety and nurse feeling of being part of the team are improved. However study has done by Lowe et al (2013), he suggest that once other staff fam iliar with the task given and their role, they are more comfortable working with other colleagues. Convesly, when nurse do not acknowledge of each other, competence or disregard their suggestion , unhealthy competitive attitudes can develop, colleagues can began to mistrust each other and the nurses can lose their interest in the nursing profession. Most nurses are aware of of blurring boundaries in professional practice but they still need to touch other professional discipline with permission and with clear instruction due to the role uncertainty and role ambiguity. As quotes by Alberta Association of registered nurse (2005, p.3),‘that a registered nurse in any role can ensure that professional boundaries are respected by applying the following guideline to their nursing practice as appropriate for their role’. This happen in my workplace where the perioperative nurse and the Ga nurse will work according to our nursing practice standards. Health providers can choose to change or develop new disciplinary boundaries after identified new areas of work according to their interest of work such as an advance practitioners nurse in anaesthesia or as a clinical nurse to gain more knowledge and skill in their own field. According to Chang et al (2011,p3), that the advance practice nurse position is a result of changing healthcare  needs and positive effects from this new roles have been widely document, improve patient out came and increased patient satisfaction. But in Malaysia there are still challenges in developing and implementing of advance practice nurse role. I hope there will be implement in the future. However, according to Witz (1992) cited in Nancarrow et al (2005) revealed his theory working in workforce in four direction; diversification, specialization, horizontal substitution and vertical substitution allow any healthcare provider to change their disciplinary boundaries and identified a new areas of work. Boundaries are important in successful professional project. It is good to have boundaries among health care workers but it is has to be in the positive way and within limits. Boundaries are also important for staff well-being , staff can develop wider expertise, gain knowledge of the new role and skills, contribute actively to new development, provide cross over and for effective client service.